Look into my eyes.

Look into my eyes.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Another Weekend of Fund Raising

The good news is we have a lot of donations.  No more are needed.  Baskets are being arranged and thank goodness for the Graham Headquarters!  I think I will start living at their house.  I could not be doing any of this without my adoptive family. 

Dinner last night was great.  Hearing about life with a DAD was eye opening.  The safety factor will be great for me and my parents.  Hearing about other people's stories and experiences was interesting.  Looking at my house............ I'm worried.  My housekeeping skills will need to change.  Apparently labs like to eat things (anything) and sometimes when they are anxious about their humans it makes them want to eat/chew even more.  So a huge house cleaning and donation drop off will need to happen. 

Thank you for all of your help in this adventure of raising money.  It has made me to be more patient and accepting of others.  My friends have surrounded me and others have left me by the side of the road.  Still others have come into my life and are helping me.  I grew up being part of an organized religion but rejected the rules as I grew up.  I am finding myself realizing that my belief in something higher than myself is still there but being part of an organized religion may not be for me.  I do not want to feel betrayed when parts of my own beliefs cannot fit into a "religion". 

Sorry if my ideas do not fit into yours but that could be why people say never talk about religion at parties. 

Back to the Pasta Dinner........
         I need to sell a lot more tickets.  If you know for sure you are coming please let me know before Spring Break.  I want to hold tickets for you.  Remember that you can pay for them using the direct donation link      http://sdwr.donordrive.com/campaign/cosmic
 I will get an email from the group and you can leave a message and let me know that your donation is for the dinner.  

I am trying to figure out how to take credit cards at the event.  I will be experimenting with my phone and finding out if the hall has Internet.  You can always write checks at for dinner tickets/ raffles/50-50 and other fund things.  Checks will be made out to SDWR and I will have tax letters there for you.  

Some of you have asked about meeting any current SDWR families.  The Bate's will be at the event with Kai, Brad's DAD.  They have been very open with me and without Tiffany's help I would be lost in learning about DAD's.   

A short shopping list will get posted.  These are little things to fill out the baskets.  If you are able to help let me know.

Love to all who are helping.

Lori and Cosmo (he's asleep under the laptop)

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