Look into my eyes.

Look into my eyes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Surgery Update

Cosmo woke up around 12:30 this afternoon.  The vet will not let me see him.  He is under heavy sedation.  I explained to them I just wanted to see him and nothing else but they said no.  I asked about Thursday morning and they said no.  I will go after work Thursday to see him.  (I may sneak out early)  I am sure he looks like the video I just looked up (the cat looked like it was dead). 

Separation from this guy has not happened in 6 years.  My stomach is a mess and I have a headache.  But I will get through this.  I have not posted pictures of Cosmo after his last surgery but many of you saw him.  I am not going to show pics until much later.  I'm sure he will be flying through the air to prove to everyone he is still a little stud muffin.

Thank you all for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a new role model for you, Cosmo... he's almost as cool as you!
