Tonight is very special for Cosmo and I. It is the last night that Cosmo will have 4 legs. This has been a very hard decision even though I know it is the correct one. I can not thank my friend and her family enough in their offer to pay for the surgery. I know this surgery will save Cosmo's life but my best friend will never be the same. He will be changed both physically as well as mentally. I know he will always be Cosmo but he will just be different.
I am sitting here writing this and tears are streaming down my face. I have just never had such a close connection with an animal like this one. Cosmo has touched my life and so many others. There are prayers coming from around the world for my furry friend. I know he is strong and make it through the surgery but this MOM will be freaking out!
Thanks for all the prayers and I will keep you all posted.